Mr Gian Singer Orthopaedic Surgeon is a liar or does not know what he is doing


Mr GIAN SINGER and Mr NAEEM RAZA are liars or they do not know what they are doing when they said the X-Ray of the hip replacement surgery  carried out by Mr Naeem Raza at Frimley Health 'showed that nothing unusual was identified'. Investigation at the John Radcliff hospital shows that the hip is externally rotated and I need an osteotomy the CEO of Frimley Health at the time Sir Andrew Morris did not check he just accepted his surgeons word and told me to go to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman if I was not satisfied. To see that letter saying all ok click the link below. The NHS complaints procedure is a complete farce

Investigation at the Nuffield Orthopaedic centre shows that the hip is rotated and both the Femoral and acetabular components need revision which means an osteotomy which is a major operation. To see those letters click the link below.

The Parliamentary and Health service Ombudsman must be in cloud cuckoo land, they said among many other erroneous comments-               Based on his X-Ray there did not appear to  be anything wrong with the hip replacement. they would not uphold my complaint. To see their comments and mine click on the link below.

Delays by FHFT and PHSO made me too late to go to a solictor to see letters of apology click below

As a result of the foregoing I have been disabled eleven years and nobody will look into my case even though I followed the NHS Complaints procedure because the ombudsman's decision cannot be questioned

Outcome of the original hip replacement surgery operation and still now (as of  May 2024) except for the pain

I am now 83, on the 29/11/2012 I had a total hip replacement by Mr Raza at Frimley health NHS Foundation trust Heatherwood Hospital with follow up at Wexham park hospital. 

  • My left hip is rotated about 30 degrees
  • I had pain in the groin which severely restricted my movement. 
  • The cup was impinging on the Psoas which caused the pain.
  • I can only flex my leg at the hip at few degrees, I have trouble stepping over a threshold. 
  • I can only flex my leg back at the knee a few degrees.
  • I have difficulty lifting my foot and my toe catches the ground and I tend to trip.
  • My left foot is further rotated making it stick out at about 40 degrees and my left heel hits the back of my right heel as I swing my left foot forward.
  • The left leg is longer than the right
  • My ankle is almost seized up, hardly any lateral movement.The physio told me my leg was swinging in an arc when I first tried to walk with crutches.

Reports from others who I have consulted

I am told by Mr Taylor at the Nuffield, Mrs McCartney of the Orthopaedic department at Frimley health and Mr Will Aston of the RNOH that the hip is rotated and I need an osteotomy, which is a major operation.

I followed the NHS complaints procedure and wrote a number of letters of complaint to the trust. at Frimley park hospital.


The chief executive Sir Andrew Morris  replied and said Mr Singer, the chief orthopaedic surgeon and Mr Raza the surgeon said ’the surgery went well but understand you have experienced some problems since the operation’, in fact I am disabled.

Sir Andrew Morris did not bother to investigate my claim he just accepted the surgeons word! 

The Nuffield


As I was in pain and Mr Singer and Mr Raza thought nothing was wrong I went to the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre where Mr Taylor found that the cup was impinging on the Psoas muscle tendon causing the pain and that both the femoral and acetabular components needed revision which would mean an osteotomy. Mr Taylor operated and just replaced the cup and I am no longer in pain.  I never did understand why Mr Taylor did not carry out an osteotomy probably thought it was too risky as others have suggested since.  

Since that operation my movement is not restricted by pain and on a four occasions have bent too far and dislocated my hip.

Examinationnation by Other Orthopaedic surgeons


I paid for a private consultation with Mr William Aston Orthopaedic Surgeon of the Royal Orthopaedic hospital Stanmore, he noted that my hip was externally rotated and that I could not flex my leg much at the hip or the knee.  He told me to correct it would mean major surgery at the specialist complex surgery department at the RNOH. 

He has now got copies of scans and an MRI and has told me that he cannot be sure of success if he operates and questions if I want to take the risks involved.  If the surgeons had been honest immediately after the operation I was fairly fit at the age of 72 and would of had another operation but now i am 81 and have not been able to be very active I am probably not fit enough.

After having my hip reset after a fourth displacement on the 17/09/21   I was given a follow up appointment with Mr Singer.  Mr Singer was on holiday so I saw Mrs McCartney Orthopaedic registrar who examined me. In less than twenty minutes she had seen the x-rays and my foot sticking out about 45 degrees and told me that my hip was rotated and was probably causing the dislocations.  She said she would send a note to my GP saying I would need to go to a tertiary hospital such as RNOH if I wanted a further operation to correct it. Before I had the revised operation at Oxford my movement was limited by the pain but afterwards I stretched and bent more at the hips causing the dislocation..  

Frimley Health hospital records show all is not right

I got a copy of the hospital records which say:

‘He is unable to flex his hip'

‘His left leg is longer than the right’

‘He is unable to walk without a stick’

‘He has difficulty with hip flexion actively’

‘He has antalgic gait on the left hand side.’

‘He has to use his arms to gain more than 30 degrees flexion in his hip’

‘His hip is externally rotated’

‘He has a shuffling gait – looking unsteady‘

lifting his leg is a problem’

‘He has an elbow wound from a recent fall’

‘He tends to turn his foot outwards’ ( I do not turn my foot out, I hold my leg straight  forward and my foot sticks out to the left and I am unable to straighten it, I have next to no lateral movement in that ankle. See photographs) 

Due to the fact that I have an externally rotated hip I have a life changing disability.

I used to play golf, table tennis, ride my bike, walk on the beach but never been able to do those activities since the operation. I am dependent on my wife and use a stick or crutch when I go out. My whole life has changed

The delays in response to my letters made it too late for me to go to a solicitor.

The three year delay by the PHSO has made it too late for me to complain to the high court.

Other hospitals Mr Singer and Raza operate at

The circle health group

Spire healthcare


Frimley park hospital


Others I have also written to

Neil Dardis Chief Executive Officer Frimley health NHS Foundation trust on a number of occasions, some by recorded delivery, but received no reply whatsoever. 


Department of health and social care. I received an Email saying it was not appropriate for this department to comment on the Ombudsman’s adjudications. The only option for me was to seek a judicial review which needs to be done promptly within three months of the Ombudsman’s review. 


Theresa May Prime minister. I received a letter saying it was not a matter for the PM’s office and advised me to contact the department of health and social care .which I had already done. 


The commons select Committee. I had seen that a committee was going to look into the NHS complaints procedure but was told no progress was made to date. 2019 and 01/01/2020 Matt Hancock MP. No reply 01/01/2020 Joy .

Morrissey MP. Has now contacted the secretary of state for health about the NHS complaints procedure and the CEO of Frimley health to see if they can re-visit my case.  

PHSO review and feedback team - I got an email saying they would reply in three days but have heard nothing.

 20/09/2016-15/01/2020 East Berks CCG. 

They said that as I have been through the NHS complaints procedure they cannot assist me any further in this matter. 


NHS Improvement. They said that unfortunately, reviewing NHS complaints procedure did not form part of their statutory complaints procedure and that I should contact the department of health and social care - which I had already done. There have been a number of letters and emails issued by different parties over the years but it would have taken twenty minutes for one independent individual to examine me at the outset to see I am disabled as do many strangers that offer to help me in the street. 

I also contacted the cqc care quality control but got no positive response.


How I wish I had gone to a solicitor and not put my trust in the NHS complaints procedure or the PHSO

Geoffrey Knightbridge